Two years ago (where does time go?) we had quite the stash of marshmallows for some reason and I decided to get creative with some of the huge campfire marshmallows left over from the summer. We had so much fun with it, that I thought I would share some old pictures with you.
A Wilton food writer marker turned marshmallows into ghosts and mummies.
The kids and I melted some orange and green Wilton candy melts to cover a few marshmallows.
The green candy coated marshmallows became Frankenstein's monster with a little help from black icing, white frosting, and chocolate chips.
I think the cracked look makes him look just right. It wasn't intentional! |
I'm sure you can guess what became of the orange coated marshmallows....
our very own pumpkin patch!
(The stems were created with green Betty Crocker cupcake icing - the kind you squirt out of the can.)
It seems like we were just talking about back to school stuff, and it's already time for Halloween fun! Do your kids trick or treat? What will they be dressed as this year? We have a grim reaper (yikes), a spiderweb queen, and a ladybug, plus one teenager who stays home and hands out candy so that Mom and Dad can trick or treat with the kids for a bit.
What is your favorite Halloween book for kids? We are big fans of Natasha Wing, and we like her book, The Night Before Halloween.
It has trick or treaters, spooky, but not too spooky, creatures, and a fun, rhyming Halloween twist on The Night Before Christmas. Check it out and let me know what you think!